Month: May 2021
Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 11/11 by Estelle Roberts
At my next sitting with Red Cloud he said to me: ‘I am glad you heard me when you were abroad; I told you not to let Hoare rub your back because it was dangerous. ‘You see, dear child, you do not look old, you do not feel old, but your internal organs are old, and your kidneys are inclined to be flabby. Any massage, in consequence, is dangerous, and might lead to serious trouble.’ Red Cloud can see in the human body what no human eye can possibly see.…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 10/11 by Estelle Roberts
When, at last, the day arrived for me to have my sitting with Mrs. Roberts, it proved to be a red-letter-day in my life. Red Cloud told me all the details of my earlier sufferings, and went on to say; ‘All your joints are rusty, and that is what is causing the pain. I will help you, if you have faith in God and will do as I tell you.’ Naturally I promised this, and I have never regretted the promise I made, or looked back for a moment. Red…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 9/11 by Estelle Roberts
The skeptic’s among my readers, if they have read this far, will doubtlessly be saying that the healer is the wrong person to be recounting such stories of miraculous cures – that it is the testimony of the “healed,” not of the healer, that they want to hear. And so they shall. The words comprising the paragraphs which follow are not mine but were written and published some years ago by Mrs. Emma Cunliffe-Owen, O.B.E. They call for no comment from me. “Words fail me in trying to express the…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 8/11 by Estelle Roberts
The case of Ewart Dudley, an author by choice, but a civil servant by profession, who first came to me in February 1955, was one of these. His doctors told him he was suffering from a condition known as chronic spastic colon, complicated by diverticulosis and diverticulitis of the transverse and descending colon. Translated into less complicated language this meant that he was suffering from a serious bowel complaint which ten years of the best medical treatment had failed to cure. The regular use of powerful drugs had contributed to…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 7/11 by Estelle Roberts
The voice, too, was completely different. It had dropped several tones, and the words it now uttered belonged to the gutter. With bold effrontery the creature sprawled into a chair and dared me to take a step forward. Offering dire threats of injury if I did not obey his commands, he boasted of this strength and his determination to manifest in the girl’s body whenever he felt so disposed. I have been thought never to fear the unknown. With absolute certainty I knew that Red Cloud was with me at…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 6/11 by Estelle Roberts
“That’s all we came for,” he said, turning to me, “that and to say thank you. I owe you more than I can ever repay. I want you to know that I am grateful.” When they had gone I thought about these two young people, so obviously adoring each other. It was pleasant to feel that I had played some part in making their happiness possible, especially when they had taken the trouble to come and tell me so. I recall another case of obsession in which the cure was…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 5/11 by Estelle Roberts
“Two years ago you visited a house of ill repute in France,” he said, “and when you left you did not come away alone. An evil spirit accompanied you in your aura, seeing in you a channel for the earthly expression of his own sinful desires.” The young man was astonished at this mention of a visit which he shamefully admitted it to be true. But how did Red Cloud know of an escapade which had never been repeated? “My son, much is known that is beyond your understanding,” the…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 4/11 by Estelle Roberts
I need hardly add that possession of the piece of bone was promptly claimed by the doctor. It was his only proof that the “operation” had indeed taken place. He submitted the little chip to every test that he and medical friends could devise. It passed them all, being definitely established as human bone. Whether it was a splinter from one of the spinal vertebrae, however, could not be stated with the same degree of certainty though all those who examined it and were qualified to express an opinion were…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 3/11 by Estelle Roberts
Red Cloud has a band of spirit helpers which includes some who were doctors on earth. One of them is Sir Morell Mackenzie, whose photograph stands on my mantelpiece. The portrait was given to me by Sir Morrell’s grandson, whose acquaintance I first made when he came to see me and was bubbling over with indignation. He had come, he said, “to scotch all the nonsense” about his grandfather being one of Red Cloud’s spirit helpers. We talked for a long while and when we parted we had formed a…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 2/11 by Estelle Roberts
I went home with her and sat all night giving healing to the child. It was some hours before any change of condition became evident, but when it did it was undeniable. From then on, improvement was slowly but steadily maintained. When the doctor came the next morning he was greeted with joy where he might have expected grief. I returned home and had no further contact with the boy and his mother. Some fifteen years later as I was getting into a car after a Spiritualist meeting at Surbiton,…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 3, 1/11 by Estelle Roberts
CHAPTER THREE,HEALING My first patient for healing arrived unexpectedly at a Spiritualist meeting at Hampton Hill. A mother brought a little boy suffering pitifully from asthma, and asked me to do what I could for him. I saw the child’s laboured breathing and my heart sank. What could I, who knew little of spirit healing and had certainly never attempted it myself, do for this poor little boy who gazed at me with anxious, trusting eyes? But I knew I must try. With a silent appeal to Red Cloud to…
Read MoreMindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #262
Every time you disengage from the ego and lean toward your inner guide, you strengthen your ability to protect your vibrations. You may still get sucked into negative thoughts from time to time, but the miracle is you will no longer believe in them.Kenneth Wong The more you appreciate the miracles in your life, the more miracles will manifest in your life. This is simply how the manifestation process works.Kenneth Wong Being spiritual doesn’t guarantee that you will never have to face an obstacle again. But what it does guarantee…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 2, 14/14 by Estelle Roberts
Not unnaturally I was deeply interested in this story and eagerly awaited the visit from the man who had recounted it. There was so much I wanted to ask him about this primitive tribe, especially about the extent and the limitations of their psychic powers. It certainly never crossed my mind that I should hear no more of him. Yet that proved to be the case. Despite the trouble to which he had gone to ascertain my name and address, he never came to see me – or, if he…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 2, 13/14 by Estelle Roberts
The guide replied: “I cannot cure her, for the disease is too far advanced, but I will stop the pain.”The doctor could hardly get back to the hospital to see if this promise had been kept. When he arrived, he found that Red Cloud had been as good as his word. The girl was free from all pain and continued to have no suffering right up to the time she eventually died. It is no wonder that Dr. Gordon Moore became completely convinced of Red Cloud’s existence. More than twenty…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 2, 12/14 by Estelle Roberts
I remember he once came to a public meeting at the Aeolian Hall, where, for a time, I demonstrated clairvoyance on Saturdays. One Steward, Nicknamed “Twiggy,” was a Cockney of the best type. King George asked my daughter, Iris, for a seat in the balcony. She, unable to leave her post at the door, called to “Twiggy” to conduct him there, without mentioning the Sovereign’s identity. When “Twiggy” returned, Iris asked him if he had found the visitor a seat. “Yes,” said “Twiggy” complacently, “and I gave ‘I’m an acid…
Read MoreFifty Years a Medium – Chapter 2, 11/14 by Estelle Roberts
“Come no further, my son,” he said. “You have no need of me, for you are under the protection of the great Red Cloud.” He turned back, refusing further conversation, and made his way out to his hut. When King George returned to England, he came immediately to tell me the story. He was greatly impressed by what had happened, particularly because the holy man could have had no knowledge from earthly sources of the visitor’s association with Red Cloud. Nor could the holy man could have known who the…
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