Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 9, 10/10 by Estelle Roberts

As soon as she saw it lying in Lady Segrave’s lap, Iris went downstairs to the sitting room where, a few minutes before the circle began, she had arranged a dozen beautiful red roses, a gift to me. Counting them, she found only eleven and the lower half of the stalk of the twelfth.

An extraordinary episode must be included in this account of the Segrave communications. It was both unexpected and dramatic. The story began to unfold when Red Cloud told Lady Segrave that a boy wished to speak to her. The guide was followed by a young voice coming through the trumpet. The spirit speaker gave his name and added that he wished to thank Lady Segrave for the kindness she had shown his mother. Would she please give a message to his mother?

Lady Segrave readily assented and the voice went on: “Thank her for what she did for the chauffeur after he had driven her to visit my grave.”
“What was the chauffeur’s name?” she asked.
The boy repeated the name, a French one, and then spelled it out letter by letter.

At this juncture Red Cloud intervened to assist the youth who was obviously having difficulty in putting over his message. “The boy says his mother went to Paris to visit his grave. There she met and was driven by the taxi driver who was the last man to see the boy alive.”

Then, characteristically, Red Cloud added a comment of his own: “When the boy passed over it was thought he had taken his own life. Yet this was not the case. He drank veronal, but only to sleep. He did not know its strength and he drank too much.”

Lady Segrave had met the boy’s mother in a chance encounter about a year earlier, and had since seen her only once or twice. She wasted no time in carrying the message to the unhappy women, who confirmed in awestruck wonder every detail that had been made known. When she was told that her son had not intentionally taken his life, tears flowed from her eyes, but they were of joy, not of sorrow.

In December 1968 Lady Segrave rejoined her husband, Sir Henry. She had kept contact with me through the years, and after her death they returned together to thank me for the happiness I had brought them both.

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