REMARKS AND SUGGESTIONS. Evening is the best time to hold a circle, for the reason that the cares and duties of the day being past, the individuals composing it are, as a general thing, in their most passive condition, and all their surroundings in a quiet, subdued state, favorable to the efforts of their spirit friends to accomplish the purposes they have in view. As many hours as possible previous to the time of holding the circle, its members should gain what repose they can from the fatigues of the…

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OF IMPRESSIONS.Impressions are the voices of spirits speaking to our spirits, or else the monitions of the spirit within us, and should always be respected and followed, unless (which is very rare) suggestive of actual wrong in act or word. At, the opening of the circle, one or more of the members are often impressed to change seats with others; one or more impressed with the desire to withdraw. or, a strong feeling of repulsion to some member of the circle, makes it; painful to remain. Let any or all…

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OF POSITIONS TO BE OBSERVED.If the circle is one which meets together periodically, and is composed of the same persons, let them always occupy the same seats (unless changed under spiritual direction), and sit (as the most favorable of all positions) round a table, their hands laid on it, with palms downward. It is believed that the wood, when charged, becomes a conductor, without the necessity of holding or touching hands. I should always suggest the propriety of employing a table as a conductor, especially as all tables in household…

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THE spirit-circle is the assembling of a number of persons for the purpose of communion with those who have passed from earth to the higher world of souls. The chief advantage of such an assembly is the mutual impartation and reception of the combined magnetisms of the assemblage. These in combination form a force stronger than that of an isolated subject: first, enabling spirits to commune with greater power; next, developing the latent gifts of mediumship in such members of the circle as are thus endowed; and, finally, promoting that…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 16, 7/7 by Estelle Roberts

Another tremendously welcome visitor once announced himself simply as Jackson. We racked our brains for a Jackson, even back to our schooldays. But the Estelle said, “He says he was the doorkeeper at a famous theatre.” “It’s JACKSON!” WE CRIED IN CHORUS. “Jackson who was the stage-door keeper at Covent Garden when we were girls in the gallery queue.” And he went on to prove his identity by naming people who had been in the queue with us, even in one case giving the nickname. The musical friend who most…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 16, 6/7 by Estelle Roberts

Another tremendously welcome visitor once announced himself simply as Jackson. We racked our brains for a Jackson, even back to our schooldays. But the Estelle said, “He says he was the doorkeeper at a famous theatre.” “It’s JACKSON!” WE CRIED IN CHORUS. “Jackson who was the stage-door keeper at Covent Garden when we were girls in the gallery queue.” And he went on to prove his identity by naming people who had been in the queue with us, even in one case giving the nickname. The musical friend who most…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 16, 5/7 by Estelle Roberts

Two other sitters whom I am delighted to have known for many years are Miss Louise Cook and her sister Miss Ida Cook, better known to the public as Mary Burchell, the romantic novelist. Their visits to me commenced some ten years ago, but I shall always remember them for their great courage before the war in seeking out Jewish people in danger in Germany and managing to get them out of the country. They also smuggled out refugees’ jewellery, often at risk to themselves. On one occasion, a diamond…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 16, 3/7 by Estelle Roberts

A week later, friends of mine who were not very intimately connected with Nancy Spain received a cryptic spirit message saying: “Spain, tell Jenny live wire still.” They knew me by my name, Ginette, but as they were not acquainted with any other friend of Nancy’s, they telephoned and asked tentatively if she had ever called me “Jenny.” I explained that, unlike almost all my other friends, she never called me anything else. Jenny, as a matter of fact, is my real name. And, strangely enough, I almost always called…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 16, 2/7 by Estelle Roberts

At a later sitting, some time after this, I told Peter of the presence of Dan Leno, the most revered comic of his age, and was able to assure him that he was guiding and helping Peter in his own career. Unknown to me, he had been personally aware for many years that he was being protected and led in his professional life by someone from the other side, and he accepted this information “with a sort of satisfied relief, not surprised because it figured somehow.” Peter is convinced that…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 16, 1/7 by Estelle Roberts

CHAPTER SIXTEEN,FINAL CHAPTER Hannen Swaffer, Swaff as he was affectionately called, worked with me on public platforms for many years. His connection with Fleet Street is well known; his interest in all the work that I did with the press was great. During the years, my mediumship has been the subject of several series, some lasting many weeks, in the Daily Sketch, the Sunday Pictorial, as it was then known, and The People, the paper for whom Swaffer himself wrote a weekly article. As a direct result of all this…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 15, 3/4 by Estelle Roberts

In the many years that he has been my guide he has delivered score of lectures, both in public and private sittings. Some of them, particularly those having a scientific basis, have been too obtrusive for the comprehension of the average circle-member, though great scientists, such as Sir Oliver Lodge, read many of them with respect and understanding. His philosophical teachings follow closely those of Jesus of Nazareth, whom he invariably calls “The Nazarene.” God, he tells us, is perfect mind, which is love, wisdom and power. God is not…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 15, 4/4 by Estelle Roberts

It is not to be expected that we can achieve perfection within the span of one lifetime. After death we go to the astral plane, in which there are many worlds of consciousness. After a period we incarnate once again on this earth, or some other inter-penetrating world, for the further progress of our souls. Eventually, and who can say how long this may take, we reach a state of evolution at which further reincarnation is no longer necessary and we pass on to higher realms of spiritual existence. In…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 15, 2/4 by Estelle Roberts

This book contains a great many instances of survival. Had there been the need, it would have been simple to increase their number by a hundred, or a thousand other cases. But, in the event, it is necessary to prove only one case in order to prove all. I have chosen the episodes quoted in this book because of the evidence they offered, and the absolute integrity of the people who were present to vouch for them. I have worked with Red Cloud for nearly fifteen years, and during that…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 15, 1/4 by Estelle Roberts

CHAPTER FIFTEEN,RED CLOUD In setting down some of the experiences of my fourscore years, I have done so at Red Cloud’s request in order to “leave behind for incoming generations a great reality to comfort the mourner.” The reality to which he refers is, of course, eternal, that we cannot die because our spirits are immortal. For that reason the greater part of this book is devoted to examples of evidence of survival, for without acceptance of this central fact the whole edifice of religious faith must fall down. The…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 14, 8/8 by Estelle Roberts

Take his view about free will, for instance. He insists that a man has complete freedom of will, this only being limited by state of mind to which he has risen, and that illumination as to what is right and which is wrong may come to him at any time. One is glad to have his support for our own intuition of the freedom of will, though psychologists mostly take the view that this freedom is very limited, and some are even now still wedded to the doctrines of strict…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 14, 7/8 by Estelle Roberts

When Mrs. Roberts goes into trance her own personality simply disappears and that of Red Cloud takes its place. The personality of Red Cloud is a marked one. He is dominating and, at the same time, a very attractive character. Not only does he take charge of proceedings at the voice circles, speaking and commenting between the voices in a most intelligent and often humorous way, but on the occasions when he speaks through the medium in trance, he gives addresses on all sorts of subjects. At these meetings there…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 14, 6/8 by Estelle Roberts

In this connection it is interesting to note how easily a circle is upset if the atmosphere is at all strained. Red Cloud is always urging us during the sittings not to get tense. As a matter of fact, he often uses a little dance with the trumpet instead of telling us this, and experienced sitters know what he means. A too highly emotional atmosphere, whether hostile or the reverse, also seems detrimental to the ease with which the communications can be effected. Furthermore, it does not do to press…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 14, 5/8 by Estelle Roberts

It is perfectly true, as a speaker said on the wireless the other day, “when people meet in ordinary circles in the dark they cannot really observe what is going on,” but it is the content of the messages which is the crux of the matter, not the supernormal lifting of the trumpet or the mode of production of the voices. As regard the supernormal lifting of the trumpet, anyone who has studied the evidence knows that telekinesis (the supernormal movement of objects) and materialization are facts no longer capable…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 14, 4/8 by Estelle Roberts

I have listened to the voices of old people and of children, and also of well-known public men, who have passed on, conversing in distinctive tones with their friends at the circle.The popular explanation of these occurrences, as being due to fraud on the part of the medium and credulity on the part of the sitters, is obviously nonsense. It would invoke the ability of the medium, or possible confederates, to see in the dark – to be able to act all sorts of characters and ventriloquize in the dark,…

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Fifty Years a Medium – Chapter 14, 3/8 by Estelle Roberts

Among the various minor points that are deemed requisite for a good sitting is a gramophone record. A little tune from Rose Marie, played with a specially soft needle, has been found the best. The voices that manifest can thus be heard easily. After Red Cloud has greeted the sitters and conversed for a short time, he will exclaim, “Hold on!” This means that he is going to get someone else to speak through the trumpet. Another voice is soon heard, usually calling a name. Sitters are warned before the…

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