Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #268

No matter what you achieve in this material world, at the end it all feels like a movie watched in the distant past.Shunya Sometimes the story doesn’t make sense until the end of the story.Rico Torres We’re always looking for a permanent reference point, and it doesn’t exist. Everything is impermanent. Everything is always changing—fluid, unfixed, and open. Nothing is pin-down-able the way we’d like it to be.Pema Chödrön

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Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #266

The divine spark that you seek is already within you. Allow it to shine through you unobstructed and it will eternally light your way.Omar Cherif It truly is gratifying to have morals. Without expecting some divine reward or fearing any retribution, one can indeed be a decent human being who aspires to do the right things.Omar Cherif Your ego comes from fear and craves stifling stability, while your Soul speaks of love and welcomes conscious change.Kris Franken

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Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #264

Everyone goes through ups and downs in life, but the factor that determines whether you succumb or overcome obstacles lies in how you choose to perceive them.Kenneth Wong When you shift your perspective from fear to love, your external reality may not change right away. But the way you experience your external reality changes immediately.Kenneth Wong Forgiveness is the antidote to pain and suffering.Kenneth Wong

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Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #263

When you have unwavering faith in the Universe, you can choose to see your perceived obstacles with a loving lens.Kenneth Wong When you let love lead the way, you will be able to turn obstacles into opportunities, difficulties into lessons, and enemies into assignments.Kenneth Wong You will no longer live in the darkness with fleeting moments of light. Instead, you will live in the light with fleeting moments of darkness.Kenneth Wong

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Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #262

Every time you disengage from the ego and lean toward your inner guide, you strengthen your ability to protect your vibrations. You may still get sucked into negative thoughts from time to time, but the miracle is you will no longer believe in them.Kenneth Wong The more you appreciate the miracles in your life, the more miracles will manifest in your life. This is simply how the manifestation process works.Kenneth Wong Being spiritual doesn’t guarantee that you will never have to face an obstacle again. But what it does guarantee…

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Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #261

Listening to the voice of your intuition is not something you learn; rather, it is an unlearning of the limiting beliefs you picked up along the way. A return to form that’s been a long time coming.Kenneth Wong A lot of people are hesitant to set boundaries because they are under the limiting belief that it is unkind or mean to do so. But boundaries are there to protect not only your energy but also the energy of everyone around you. So, setting boundaries is actually one of the most…

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Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #260

It’s not that your manifestation didn’t come. It’s just that your manifestation hasn’t come yet.Kenneth Wong The most beautiful and effortless manifestations do not come through force but through spiritual surrender and unwavering faith in a higher power.Kenneth Wong The number one thing to remember when using affirmations is it’s all about how they make you feel. Affirmations only work when you believe in what you are saying.Kenneth Wong

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Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #259

The ego may be good at manipulating your thoughts, but your inner guide absolutely dominates when it comes to your feelings.Kenneth Wong Your job is not to force the manifestation to happen, but to align with the Universe through feeling good, and simply allow the manifestations to come to you as you cultivate your spiritual connection.Kenneth Wong Grieving the old you is part of the healing process.Saskia Lightstar

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Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #255

Our external circumstances are always direct reflections of our internal state. When you shift your perception, the world around you shifts accordingly.Kenneth Wong When you see the Sun setting over the horizon, you feel like you’ve entered into a beautiful art piece. A meditative mind gets that feeling 24×7. The world feels like an art village for those who walk through it slowly.Shunya …When the mind is awakenedthrough a shock, which you call suffering, that is the true moment to inquire into the cause of suffering, without seeking comfort.J KRISHNAMURTI

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